Trouble at LoD

I must abandon the Time Machine project for a time. My energy must go elsewhere for a while. In fact, I fear I must create a very big distraction.

If you are not aware of this (and I have no reason to believe that you would), Scarecrow has some odd sleeping habits: essentially he’s a narcoleptic in denial.

There was one incident last year when we left him in charge of the SkyFi to watch a “situation” develop between Brainiac, Sinestro and I, as we were breaking into the Batplane. It was very dangerous, and he had to be ready to fire the satellite laser to cover us in case we were caught. We even left him a pot of coffee.

Another interesting note: Brainiac has NOT the capacity to whisper. Android. So while inside of the Batplane he starts to expound upon the onboard computer and navigation system. Loudly. An alarm goes off, we hear voices and fortunately Sinestro flew us out of there quickly before anyone saw us.

We get back to LoD, and can you guess what Scarecrow had done. Asleep on the SkyFi panel. And he still denied it.

Back to my story. Without my knowledge, Scarecrow has been napping upon occasion in my study. Because it’s quiet. He sneaks in while I’m working out or meditating, and nods off under my work bench. It’s a very big bench. He must’ve have heard me discussing my formulas, or programming (I talk to myself when I work alone.) And word leaked out to the Legion that I was working on the Time Machine again.

Of course everyone became quite paranoid. Why I put this group of “super villains” together, I’m still wondering. If only I knew then what I know now.

I did, however, deny all of this, and was able to disable my work before Brainiac came to inspect my work bench.

I must distract them with something different, and get back to the project. It must be a group project. You ideas are welcome and encouraged.

LexThought 9: Considering a new color scheme. I still love the purple/green combo, and I think those colors work well for me. Considering black/red. Afraid of the further confusion, however, it would cause in distinguishing between Brainiac and myself.

Did you see Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman? I have my doubts about his music career. However, considering offering him my services. A fragile mind with high profile: good news for the LoD.

Putting out Fires

Team Building Workshop: Fire Walking.

That’s what our ‘training’ was today. 

They sent a new ‘trainer’. He had a hard time finding a place to light a fire in the swamp. 

Sinestro set a fire, albeit a fake yellow fire, on the roof of the Legion of Doom. We all went up there.

“Okay people, I’ll show you how we’ll do this! This is going to psych you up! You will do things you never before believed possible! Now follow me as I walk across this fire path!”

He ran into the fire and Sinestro made the fire bigger. Please, it wasn’t real. We went back inside and left him on the roof. 

After a few hours Black Manta felt sorry for him and gave him a ride back to Citibank.

I did get in a good workout. Lots of cardio today, and a yoga session afterwards. To top it off, I didn’t have to help Braniac today as the parts he ordered for his ‘project’ didn’t arrive. Maybe the fire and screaming workshop trainer scared off the UPS driver.

I have a new idea involving my abandoned time machine project. More on this as it develops.

The universe is mine. The universe is mine. The universe is mine.

I’ve been following the Brodericks with the SkyFi system. More broadway shows together. Definitely fishy. 

Why don’t we hear more about Zsa Zsa anymore? Setting SkyFi coordinates for Beverly Hills for the next 24 hours.